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How to configure your desktop PC for Hybrid Exchange - Office 365 - Azure Administration

One of the first things you will discover as an Office 365 Hybrid administrator, is that your client PC will need to be configured to allow easy and streamlined administration. This tutorial steps you through configuration for Office 365 and Azure Administration, as well as Local Active Directory and Local Exchange configuration. The same configuration is needed to connect with or without MFA.

*** Pre-requisite - ***
To successfully administer your Local Active Directory, your admin PC must be a member of the local Active Directory.


In this tutorial I will step you through the following.

How to -
- Install the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals -
- Install the Azure Active Directory v1.0 PowerShell module
- Install the Azure Active Directory v2.0 PowerShell module
- Install the Exchange Online Remote PowerShell Module
- Install the Windows Azure PowerShell module
- Install the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell module
- Install the SharePoint Online PowerShell module
- Install the Skype for Business Online PowerShell module
- Install the Azure Rights Management PowerShell module
- Install the Remote Server Administration Tools (for Local Active Directory administration)

This tutorial will focus on configuring a desktop PC running Windows 10.
You can download the 90 day trial version of Windows 10 here - Link


Install the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals RTW -
*** Download Link ***

Once downloaded, run the install file and follow the wizard.


Links to the Azure Active Directory PowerShell Gallery Team - Link

Install the Azure Active Directory v1.0 PowerShell module - (MSOL)
- Install Notes - Link
On Windows 10 -
Open PowerShell or PowerShell ISE with 'Run as Administrator'
Enter the following cmdlet -
Install-Module MSOnline - (The following screenshots are from PowerShell) -

When prompted - type Y (for Yes)


Install the Azure Active Directory PowerShell v2.0 PowerShell module
- Install Notes - Link
On Windows 10 -
Open PowerShell or PowerShell ISE with 'Run as Administrator'
Enter the following cmdlet -
Install-Module -Name AzureAD  - (The following screenshots are from PowerShell) -
When prompted - type Y (for Yes)
When prompted a second time - type Y (for Yes)

The PowerShell package will download and install


Install the Exchange Online Remote PowerShell Module
- Install Notes - Link

*** You MUST use IE to download and install the PowerShell Module ***
- Select IE to run the application (Edge may appear as default if not changed)

Log in to the Office 365 Admin Portal -
Open - Exchange Admin -
- Hybrid - Setup -
Configure - The Exchange Online PowerShell Module supports multi-factor authentication
Click the 'Configure' button and the module will download and install

Once installed, the Exchange Online PowerShell window will load.
It is safe to close this PowerShell window and continue installing the other modules


Install the Windows Azure PowerShell module (Web Platform Installer)
*** Download Link ***
Once downloaded, run the install file and follow the wizard.

Accept the download -

During installation you will see the progress.

Click 'Finish' once completely installed.


Install Azure Resource Manager PowerShell Module -
On Windows 10 -
Open PowerShell or PowerShell ISE with 'Run as Administrator'
Enter the following cmdlet -
Install-Module AzureRM -allowclobber  - (The following screenshots are from PowerShell) -

When prompted - type Y (for Yes)

The PowerShell package will download and install


Install the SharePoint Online module -
Download and install the SharePoint Online module - Link
Follow the GUI based installation


Install the Skype for Business Online module -
Download and install the Skype for Business Online module - Link
Follow the GUI based installation


Install the Azure Rights Management Administration Tool Link
On Windows 10 -
Open PowerShell or PowerShell ISE with 'Run as Administrator'
Enter the following cmdlet -
Install-Module -Name AADRM - (The following screenshots are from PowerShell) -

When prompted - type Y (for Yes)

The PowerShell package will download and install

***  Reboot your machine to apply the changes ***


Install the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)
Download and install the Remote Server Administration Tools
- Windows 10 - Link
- Windows 8.1 - Link
- Windows 7 with SP1 - Link

***  Reboot your machine to apply the changes ***


Congratulations -
Now that all the pre-requisites are installed, you can proceed to administer your Office 365 tenant.
It is important to note that the PowerShell modules that you have downloaded and installed support Multi-Factor Authentication as well as non Multi-Factor Authentication.

As of 7th May 2017, Multi-Factor Authentication is not supported for PowerShell administration of the Security and Compliance Centre.


How to connect to Hybrid Exchange - Office 365 - Azure AD and Local AD via PowerShell
To connect to Local Active Directory, Local Exchange, Office 365 and Azure via PowerShell,
follow this tutorial - Link.

Download and save my Hybrid Exchange - Office 365 - Azure Connection script - Link - **


Check out a list of ALL of my tutorials here - Link

1 comment:

  1. Gday Terry AzureAD v1.0 powershell module aka MSFT connect has been retired or superceded
