All my PowerShell TechNet downloads and support articles

All my PowerShell TechNet Downloads - TechNet Link

Connection Scripts

Office 365 Connection Script with Modern Auth - Supports MFA (Multi-Factor Auth) 
- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

Office 365 and Azure PowerShell Connection Script (No MFA support)
- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

Office 365 Hybrid, Azure and Local Active Directory PowerShell Connection Script
- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

PowerShell Connection script for Exchange Admins - (Exchange Online and Azure AD only)
- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

Documentation and Administration Scripts

Exchange Online Configuration Documentation Script 
- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

Exchange Local Organization documentation script for auditing and creating As Built docos 
- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

Group Membership Pack for Office 365, Local AD and Exchange
- Download - Link
- Support Articles - Part 1 - Part 2

Mailbox Permission Pack for Exchange Online and Exchange On-Premises 
- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

Hybrid Office 365 Administration Pack - Including scripts and csv files 
- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

Scripts to update UPN to match the user's Primary SMTP email address 
- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link


Details of my Connection Scripts

--- Connection Script to Office 365 and Azure with MFA support ---

Office 365 Connection Script with Modern Auth - Supports MFA (Multi-Factor Auth)

- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

Script with GUI based connection to all Office 365 services that support Modern Auth and MFA
- Exchange Online
- SharePoint Online
- Skype for Business Online
- Azure AD v1
- Azure AD v2
- Azure Resource Manager
- Azure Rights Manager
- Security and Compliance Center

--- Connection Script to Office 365 and Azure (No MFA support) ---

Office 365 and Azure PowerShell Connection Script

- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

Connects to all Azure and Office 365 services, including
- Exchange Online
- Azure AD v1.0
- Azure AD v2.0
- SharePoint Online
- Skype for Business Online
- Exchange Online Protection
- Security and Compliance Center
- Azure Resource Manager
- Azure Rights Manager
--- Updated version supports Proxy or no Proxy ---

--- Connection Script for Hybrid with local AD and Local Exchange ---

Office 365 Hybrid, Azure and Local Active Directory PowerShell Connection Script

- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

This single script will connect to the following Local and Cloud services
- Exchange On-Premises
- Active Directory On-Premises
- Exchange Online
- Azure AD v1.0
- Azure AD v2.0
- SharePoint Online
- Skype for Business Online
- Exchange Online Protection
- Security and Compliance Center
- Azure Resource Manager
- Azure Rights Manager
- Azure AD Connect (DirSync)

--- Connection script for Exchange Admins - (Exchange Online and Azure AD only) ---

Office 365 Connection Script - Basic

- Download - Link
- Support article - Link

This PowerShell connection script is perfect for Exchange and user administration as it quickly connects to the following Office 365 Services.
- Exchange Online
- Azure AD v1.0 - (MSOL)
- Azure AD v2.0 - (Azure AD)


Details of my Documentation and Administration Scripts

--- Exchange Online Configuration Documentation Script ---

Script to document your Exchange Online Configuration

- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

The script generates a separate report for each of the following for Exchange Online.
- Accepted Domains
- Azure AD Connect - Directory Sync status
- Free/Busy configuration
- Inbound Connectors
- Outbound Connectors
- Mailbox count
- Mailbox details
- Mailboxes with Forwarders
- Mailboxes with Full Access Delegates
- Mailboxes with Send As Delegates
- Mailboxes with Send on Behalf Delegates
- Users configured with MFA - Multi-Factor Authentication
- Mobile device policies
- OWA Mailbox policies
- Tenant Administrators
- Transport Rules

--- Script for documenting local Exchange Organizations for creating As Built docos ---

Exchange Organization documentation script for auditing and creating As Built docos

- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

This script generates a separate report for each of the following for all the local Exchange servers in your Organization
- Exchange SSL certificates
- Internal DNS records of your external domain (split DNS or pinpoint DNS records)
- OWA Virtual Directory URL
- ActiveSync Virtual Directory URL
- Outlook Anywhere configuration
- AutoDiscover Virtual Directory URL
- OAB Virtual Directory URL
- Web Services Virtual Directory URL
- Accepted Domains
- Email Address Policy configuration
- Receive Connectors configuration
- Send Connectors configuration
- Transport configuration
- Mailbox Database configuration
- Exchange Server configuration, including Exchange version
- OWA Mailbox Policies
- Mobile Device Policies
- Transport Rules
- Exchange Administrators
- Mailbox Details
- Mailboxes with Forwarders
- Mailboxes with Full Access Delegates
- Mailboxes with Send As Delegates
- Mailboxes with Send on Behalf Delegates
- Mailbox statistics

--- Group Membership Pack for Office 365, Local AD and Exchange ---

This pack of ten PowerShell scripts will generate csv reports of ALL groups and their members in local AD and local Exchange, Azure AD, and Exchange Online, including dynamic distribution groups and Office 365 Groups (Unified Groups) and their members.

Download - Link
Support Articles - Part 1 - Part 2

--- Azure AD and Exchange Online Scripts ---

All Azure AD Groups and their members
- Export a csv of all groups in Azure AD and their members (including synced groups via Hybrid)

Single user group membership
- Export a csv of all groups a single user is a member of, including Unified Groups (Office 365 groups)

All Exchange Online Distribution Groups and their members
- Export a csv of all Exchange Online distribution groups and their members

All Exchange Online Dynamic Distribution Groups and their members
- Export a csv of all Exchange Online dynamic distribution groups and their members

All Unified Groups and their members (Office 365 Groups)
- Export a csv of all Unified groups and their members (Office 365 Groups)

--- Local AD and Exchange On-premises Scripts ---

All Local AD Groups and their members - Scoped to a particular OU and the sub-OUs
- Export a csv of all groups in Local AD and their members

All Local AD Groups and their members
- Export a csv of all groups in Local AD and their members

Single User group membership
- Export a csv of all groups a single user is a member of

All Local Exchange Distribution Groups and their members
- Export a csv of all Local Exchange distribution groups and their members

All Local Exchange Dynamic Distribution Groups and their members
- Export a csv of all Local Exchange dynamic distribution groups and their members

--- Mailbox Permission Pack for Exchange Online and Exchange On-Premises ---

Pack of ten PowerShell scripts to report on virtually any mailbox or folder permission for both Exchange Online and Exchange on-premises

- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

Ten scripts that will report on Send As, Send on Behalf and Full Access in both Exchange Online and Exchange Local. Includes reports on which mailboxes a particular user has access to and report on all mailboxes that are configured with permissions and who has that access.

The Mailbox Permission Pack scripts perform three main functions in either Exchange Online or Exchange On-premises.

Single mailbox - Who has access to this mailbox
Generate reports on a single mailbox -
- Reports which users have Full Access, Send-As, Send on Behalf and Delegated Folder permissions to the mailbox you specify (Default Folders)

Single Mailbox - Which mailboxes does this user or group have access to
Generate reports on a single mailbox -
- Report which mailboxes a particular user or email enabled security group have access to

Global Reports on all mailboxes
- Report globally on all mailboxes that are configured with permissions and who has that access.

--- Administration Pack for Hybrid Environments ---

Hybrid Office 365 Administration Pack - Including scripts and csv files - Link

- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

This Hybrid Administration Pack includes scripts and csv files to perform the following.
- Automate creation of Local Exchange User mailboxes
- Automate creation of Local Exchange Shared mailboxes
- Automate creation of Local Exchange Room mailboxes
- Automate creation of Local Exchange Equipment mailboxes
- Automate migration of local mailboxes to Office 365
- Automate creation of Office 365 User mailboxes
- Automate creation of Office 365 Shared mailboxes
- Automate creation of Office 365 Room mailboxes      
- Automate creation of Office 365 Equipment mailboxes
- Set Room and Equipment mailboxes to either Booking Delegate or AutoAccept
- Assign Booking Delegates to Room and Equipment mailboxes
- Run Azure AD Connect to sync the mailboxes to Office 365
- Set Full Access permission
- Set Send As permission
- Set Send On Behalf permission
- Set Manager field
- Set CustomAttribute1 - to allow for better Enterprise Administration
- Create Mailboxes in the Active Directory Organizational Unit of your choice

--- Migration preparation scripts to update UPNs to match primary SMTP addresses

Scripts to update UPN to match the user's Primary SMTP email address

- Download - Link
- Support Article - Link

This pack of scripts to update UPN to match the user's Primary SMTP email address consists of five scripts which perform the following.

Script 1 - Get-UPN-SMTP-GroupMember.ps1
- Get csv report of all users in a specific Group and report of User Principal Name and Primary SMTP Address

Script 2 - Get-UPN-SMTP-OU.ps1
- Get csv report of all users in a specific OU and sub OUs and report of User Principal Name and Primary SMTP Address

Script 3 - UpdateUPNviaGroup.ps1
- Update UPN to match the Primary SMTP Address - targeting users in a DL or email enabled security group

Script 4 - UpdateUPNviaOU.ps1.ps1
- Update UPN to match the Primary SMTP Address targeting users in a specific OU or sub OU

Script 5 - SingleUpdateUPN-Manually.ps1
- Used to update a single AD User's UPN to the primary SMTP address that you specify

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